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VT Snowboarding

VT Snowboarding

The reverse (tails) design features a young female snowboarder in the air performing a trick called a “melon grab,” set against a mountainous winter skyline inspired by the landscape of Vermont. Inscriptions are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and “VERMONT.”

The edge-incused inscriptions are “2022,” mint mark, and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

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RI Nathanael Herreshoff’s Reliance Yacht

RI Nathanael Herreshoff’s Reliance Yacht

Reliance Yacht coin was released in 2022. The reverse (tails) design depicts Nathanael Herreshoff’s Reliance yacht at full speed in the waters surrounding Rhode Island. The design is bordered by a rope evoking the nautical scene. Inscriptions are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and “RHODE ISLAND.”

The edge-incused inscriptions are “2022,” mint mark, and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

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University of North Carolina

University of North Carolina

The reverse (tails) design features a stack of three textbooks with “FIRST PUBLIC UNIVERSITY” on the spine of the middle book. A lamp of knowledge is perched atop the books, and olive branches curve around the edge of the design. Additional inscriptions are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and “NORTH CAROLINA.”

The edge-incused inscriptions are “2021,” mint mark, and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

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NY Erie Canal

NY Erie Canal

The reverse (tails) design depicts a packet boat being pulled from a city in the East toward the country areas to the West. Inscriptions are “UNITED STATES of AMERICA” and “NEW YORK.”

The edge-incused inscriptions are “2021,” mint mark, and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

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VA Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

VA Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel coins were released in 2021. The reverse (tails) design depicts a view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel as a cross section cut away, illustrating the ingenuity involved in constructing it. Inscriptions are “United States of America” and “Virginia.”

The edge-incused inscriptions are “2021,” mint mark, and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

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